Home - Help - Matting - After matting
If you are using Recomposit as a Photoshop plugin, the result will return to Photoshop after you click on the 'Apply and return' button. Otherwise in the normal running mode, it will return to the main editing window with a dialog pop-up.
- Change background: Use another picture as the background of this picture. This option is valid when you are matting on the base-layer. When a new picture is selected to replace the original background, since the size may change, the program will ask you how the new canvas size will be. You may choose to keep the original size or change to the size of the new background.
- Pop up: Cut the object out to a new layer and emphasize the object by processing the background. The popup menu will allow you choose the following methods: Blur background:Apply lens blurring on the background to simulate large aperture effects. Other choices include 'Instant filter', 'Grayscale and tone', 'Degradation' and other common adjusting methods.
- Duplicate to layer: Cut the object out to a new layer.
- Graphic background:Instead of changing background with a picture, the program will use a generated gradient or pure color as background. A typical usage is changing the background to pure white.